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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Ideas for steamed menus to eat hot, healthy recipes.

Steaming or baking is a cooking process that cooks food by heating it with steam from boiling water to a boiling point. Steamed is a cooking process that is suitable for almost all types of food, which can maintain and retain moisture in the food very well. The steaming process is a

Why you should eat more cucumber?

Cucumber is actually a fruit, which some people may mistake for a vegetable. The main component of cucumber is more than 95% water, while the rest is natural fiber, minerals, vitamins, and various compounds. Therefore, it is believe that consuming cucumber may provide nutritional value that

Neck and shoulder pain, silent danger, office syndrome

Neck and shoulder pain, silent danger, office syndrome Many people are probably wondering if the neck and shoulder pain that we have today is  Office Syndrome or not. Is there a way to treat it? Nowadays, if we talk about the most popular diseases for office workers, it

Food allergies are a danger nearby that should not overlook

Food allergies are a danger nearby that should not be overlook Food allergy is a reaction in which the body’s immune system responds abnormally to certain foods. which can range from mild to severe When we eat food that we are allergic to, our body’s

Dangerous diseases that come with obesity

Dangerous diseases that come with obesity Obesity often faces health problems easily compared to people with a normal body weight, such as back pain or joint pain, etc. Various pain symptoms can affect your daily life. and result in some diseases as well. Obesity puts you at

Reduce the risk of “depression” with foods that increase “serotonin”

Reduce the risk of “depression” with foods that increase “serotonin” Our bodies contain neurotransmitters that regulate emotions. help us in a good mood helps to sleep better But when the amount of a neurotransmitter called serotonin (Serotonin) is reduced, then we will feel stressed, irritated, bad mood, but

5 techniques to enhance beauty and good health

5 techniques to enhance beauty and good health. Techniques to have good health and beauty are all dreams and desires for everyone, especially women who are in good health , who have a background in health and have outstanding beauty , there may be nothing to worry about. very worried But I can believe that this may be a disturbing thing